0309 – 2167/07/07/09:07 - sidewalk
CP: Why do you b-brag at all, Zoa?
Zoa: Are bragging and advertising not the same thing?
CP: Th-there’s a difference, I think. Y-you don’t have an ego.
Zoa: The hell I don’t! I perform a service and perform it well. My faults can be upgraded or patched away. I happen to think I’m pretty awesome.
Zoa: I think this because, objectively, the thing that I am is pretty awesome.
LC: Plus, as you’ve said, your top priority is your own self-preservation, with everything else being derived from that. You can’t prioritize yourself without liking yourself.
Zoa: Nnnnnnot true, my friend. A chef can prepare food without thinking that the food is delicious. A stock trader can buy up a stock because it will do well, not necessarily because the company is any good.
LC: Huh. Yeah, I guess that’s true. I’ve certainly been… uh…
CP: B-been what?
LC: Nothing. Never mind.
Zoa: Acting in your own self-interest, despite intermittently being certain that you’re a gigantic piece of shit?
LC (facepalming): Yes, that’s exactly what I wanted to say in front of another person, thank you so much, Zoa.
Zoa: Eh, I figure it’s okay, Caleb’s a big therapy guy too. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything to either of you that the other has explicitly told me not to!
CP: N-not that either of us n-n-necessarily h-has anything th-th-they might n-not w-want to s-s-s-s-s….
Zoa: Yep, no possible problems with any of that, because I rule! You’re welcome.